jailed on orkut
i've been silly... i'm jailed on orkut now.
Blogging about Open Source, fonts, language technology, maps and random stuff happening wherever I am.
first blog entry in a while
Yo! I guess I haven't taken much time to write to this blog in a while.
I'm pretty impressed by how the gaim-vv project is going. Video/Audio conversations should be in order soon :D. I should give it a try one of these day.
I still have problems with USB under Debian. I can't figure out how to record from the usb audio or how to let gnomemeeting control the webcam. Another thing that bugs me, I don't know how or where to set the permissions properly for gphoto. It's getting annoying.
Lubumbashi's Belgian School
A couple of month ago my sister sent me a link toL'école belge à Lubumbashi. So that would be my very first school. I can't remember any of it. It has probably changed a bit with the years too.